Determining the actual size and hardware needs for your windows are the most important aspects of ordering your screens. Window screens come in a variety of styles, colors, and sizes. They also can use a number of different hardware options, and come in several different types of screen “mesh”. Most people just want a “standard” window screen. But you need to think of a window screen like you would an ink cartridge for your printer, or a spark plug for your car...every manufacturer will make parts for their products, and even models within their product line, slightly different. However, you can buy the “knock-off” item, and have it work just as well as the manufacturer’s brand, if you have certain information. That is what we can do for you.
Providing us the correct combination of the above can be the most
challenging part of the process. But we need it to ensure that you will get what
you want. Please find listed below some guidelines that will help you.
Key Terms
This will be the actual size of the screen needed for your
window. It is not your window size. Your screen size will
always be smaller than your window. When measuring a screen, always measure
it from its “tip-to-tip” of both its WIDTH and then HEIGHT. The tip-to-tip
measurement of a finished window screen is from the outside corner of one
side to the outside corner of the other side (width), and then the outside
corner of the top to the outside corner of the bottom (height).
For informational purposes, we produce within the industry standard of +/- 1/16”.
There are basically 2 types of window screens.
SINGLE HUNG (“half screen”): Only the one
portion of the window opens (bottom or side). This type of window will
create a few “opportunities” for you, as it tends to have more hardware
options and sizing variations. When ordering this type of screen, please
take note of the “Single Hung” section of the ordering page which will
provide several drawings of hardware options that tend to be the most
DOUBLE HUNG (“full screen”): Both portions of the window
can be opened (top and bottom, or both sides). These types of windows have
very few hardware options, and sizes tend to be more standard. These type
screens always come with a “Cross Bar” or “Stabilizing Bar” which is
positioned around the middle of the window, hidden by the dividing portion
of the window. This adds stability to your window screen. When ordering this
type of screen, please take note of the “Double Hung” section of the
ordering page for ease of ordering.
Please refer to “Frame Choices” tab. We provide 1/4”; 5/16”and 7/16” Frame Choices. You will see below how to select proper frame, but as a preview, your window comes with a “U-channeled” area where your screen will sit. This “U-channel” is a certain width. Having the proper width frame ensures the screen will fit into the “U-channel” and not rattle.
We do not carry 3/8” frame width, as it is not an item that allows good inventory management/cost control for us. If your needs are for 3/8” frame, you can substitute our 5/16” frame with no problem. If you experience a “rattle” due to not having a snug frame fit in the U-channel, you can place parts of a flat toothpick between the frame and the U-channel in a few places around the frame.
As further info, 7/16” is highly recommended for Double Hung Window Screens, as it is a heavier gauge metal and will handle the larger size better. While the 1/4” and 5/16” are almost always for Single Hung Screens.
Hardware are what “holds” your screen in place in your window seal. This is where the manufacturers of the windows like to come out with their own versions of hardware to make their windows are different. We do not offer all of the choices available. However when you look at what hardware really does, there are only a few options. Please refer to our “Hardware Choices” tab for more details. We do not offer all hardware on the market. However, we do offer hardware that will provide the same functionality as any original hardware.
Is the material used to keep the bugs out. Please refer to “Screen Mesh” tab.
Please take note that Screen Mesh is secured in the Screen Frame by inserting a rubber material (spline) into a “spline groove”. It is not designed to withstand the force of children, or pets pushing against the “Screen Mesh”. With enough force, the Screen Mesh will tear, or the spline will be pushed out of the spine groove. In either case, the child, or pet, could fall through, or escape though the screen.
Please refer to “Frame Choices” tab. We provide 1/4”; 5/16”and 7/16” Frame Choices. You will see below how to select proper frame, but as a preview, your window comes with a “U-channeled” area where your screen will sit. This “U-channel” is a certain width. Having the proper width frame ensures the screen will fit into the “U-channel” and not rattle.
Most houses are built using only 3 to 5 different size windows, of the same make and model of window and window screen. Usually the kitchen, laundry room and bathrooms make up 1 or 2 different sizes. The final 2 to 3 sizes are made up of the bedrooms, living rooms, dens, and dining room.
This is important because by knowing this, you will not need to measure for every window screen in your house. If you know which windows are the same sizes, you can measure one of each different size, instead of measuring every window. Or if you do not have the current window screen of the window you need, but have the same size window screen on another window in your house, you can remove that screen, and follow instructions above to ensure proper fit, frame size, hardware choices, etc.
Pick Your Type of Window...
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